This painting was made during the summer of 1998, about early august if I remember correctly. The most vivid memory of working on this painting was when I started to add in the forest scene in the background and the reflections in the eye dome. A thunderstorm was on the way and it was raining harder than can ever remember. I had first had planned to paint the forest trees with heavy dark shadows, the way that they appeared in the film. But because of the rain all the trees outside looked blurred and washy. Instead of doing what I had originally intended, the weather influenced me to use a lot of water on the paper and to make layer upon layer of light colors, eventually creating the finished product above. |
Looking back now, if I were to redo this painting, I would have put Teto in the shell along with her. Although in doing that, the mood of the whole picture would change, from one of quiet solitude to close companionship, kind of like the feeling I was looking for in the FieldPainting. |