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        Nausicaa is the main character in Hayao Miyazaki's long-running manga (Japanese comic strip) story "Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind". Nausicaa first began to be serialized in 1982 in "Animage" a popular Japanese animation magazine. The story was not completed until 1995, and as its fame spreads throughout the world, it is quickly becoming known as the "Lord of the Rings" of the comics genre. Nausicaa herself was named "The most successful Anime character of all time" in the Anime Grand Prix awards.

        In 1984, the first two chapters of the book were made into a movie. Although the story is simplified a bit, the film still compliments the books very well with a beautiful musical score and a strong environmental message. The film is actually recommended by the World Wildlife Fund, their logo can be seen before the opening scenes.

       The success of the film secured Miyazaki's position as Japan's foremost animator. Before Nausicaa, Miyazaki was known for his work on writing and directing TV shows and the popular Lupin III movie: "Castle of Cagliostro". However, Nausicaa was his first movie where the story and characters were completely of his own creation. This was to be his most profound vision and message to the world.

      Although some say that the techniques found in his later movies are more sophisticated, the pure strength and vision behind Nausicaa is unmatched.

...unrelenting kindness...

...fierce compassion...

      Another aspect of Nausicaa that remains unrivaled in the animation world is the character Nausicaa herself. She is a rare gem, possessing qualities equal to many great heroic characters throughout fiction. She is dedicated to protecting the lives of those who can't protect themselves. Whether it be human, animal, insect or plant, she selflessly puts herself in dangerous situations to ensure their safety. In turn, almost everyone whom she meets, very soon begins to have a deep respect and admiration for her. Even those who consider her an enemy  are eventually won over, not by force, but just Nausicaa simply being who she is and doing what she does best.

... an insuppressible youthful joy...

      Nausicaa is the only child of Jhil, the ruler of the small kingdom of the Valley of Wind. Nausicaa is destined to take his place soon as he is suffering from an ailment that everyone knows from which he will not recover. However, Jhil feels that his time will come too soon and worries that his daughter is not experienced enough as a leader to properly watch over the valley. But in truth, Nausicaa very quickly comes to understand the troubles of the world and many times puts the weight on her own shoulders to solve them.

     Nevertheless, Nausicaa doesn't let a dark situation damage her on the inside. She takes delight in the beauty of nature and like a spirited child she appreciates small things that others would probably overlook. She feels that everything has a purpose or else it wouldn't exist. Things that might seem frightening on the outside just might have a wonderful hidden purpose... if only you look for them.

...a drive for knowledge and         


        Even from a very young age Nausicaa has been interested in learning all she can about the world around her, particularly the poisonous forests that are quickly spreading over the face of the earth. How were they formed? Why are they here? Nausicaa spends her free time exploring the forests and studying samples of fungi that she collects and takes back to her secret garden located in the foundations of the castle. She hopes to understand the purpose of these forests and perhaps find a cure for the disease that her father and many other elderly citizens of the valley are inflicted with.

       Also, in these forests, reign the fearsome insects The Ohmu. These giant beings protect their home and all the creatures that live there. Their terrible wrath is felt by anyone who might disturb the delicate balance of the ecosystem that is their dwelling. Some remember the legends of times when herds of Ohmu would stampede across the land, leveling huge cities and causing irrepairable damage as they ran. Nausicaa, however, admires them and realizes that they are very intelligent and gentle. Sharing a special bond between her and these creatures, Nausicaa knows that they will play a major role in the shaping of not only her future, but that of the entire planet as well.

      Nausicaa maintains an outworldly view, always looking forward, constantly reaching towards a goal, even if she doesn't completely comprehend it yet. The other people of the valley prefer a safe secluded life in their isolated community... However they are totally unprepared when outside forces want something that they have...

... a world of chaos.

        Nausicaa's world is, like ours, full of violence and misunderstandings. Many innocent lives suffer because of the greed of those who are in power. Weapons of the apocalypse are quickly being unearthed from ancient cities buried for a thousand years. Large kingdoms are desperately fighting over the last pieces of inhabitable land and many small nations are hopelessly caught in the fray. Nausicaa acts quickly so her valley won't become another bloody battlefield only to find that her precious Ohmu are also part of an insidious plan.  A madman emporer strives to harness their anger to exact revenge on his enemies. If he succeeds, a new era of terror and anarchy will be brought upon all people of the world. Nausicaa will have to explore deep within the minds and hearts of the Ohmu, the enemy, and herself to find a solution to preserve humanity.

...and time is running out.

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All text and artwork, unless otherwise specified, by Griffin Waldau. Updated December 20, 2000.

